How Do Pacemakers Regulate Arrhythmias? How Is It Diagnosed?

How Do Pacemakers Regulate Arrhythmias? How Is It Diagnosed?

dr vanita blog dateJune 02, 2022 | 3 minutes read time

A pacemaker is a life-saving medical device designed to correct irregular heartbeats. This condition is also known as arrhythmia. If the heart beats too slow, i.e., less than 60 times a minute, it’s termed bradycardia. On the other hand, if the heart beats more than 100 times a minute, it’s tachycardia, explains the arrhythmia specialist in Delhi.

When to Consult a Doctor?
The heartbeat naturally increases during stress or exercise. It’s not always arrhythmia. But if you experience lightheadedness, shortness of breath, chest pain, or heart palpitations, it’s wise to consult an electrophysiologist. They will provide an accurate diagnosis through electrophysiological study (EP study) so that there is no room for doubt.

When is Pacemaker Required?
After officially detecting the type of arrhythmia, the best pacemaker doctor in India will determine if you do need the device for heartbeat correction.

The following symptoms indicate that you might need a pacemaker:

  • • Frequent dizziness

  • • Intense pounding in the chest even if you aren’t exercising

  • • Unable to exercise without getting too winded

  • • Chronic fatigue even if you’re careful about diet and sleep

  • • Frequent episodes of fainting

How Does It Work?

A pacemaker consists of two parts mainly:

  • Leads (electrodes): The insulated electrodes carry the signals from the pulse generator to the chambers of the heart.
  • Pulse generator: It’s a metal container that controls the electrical signals to the heart and houses a battery.

Whenever the pacemaker detects that your heartbeat is too fast or too slow, the pulse generator sends electrical signals via the leads directly to your heart to correct it, explains the best pacemaker doctor in India.

However, a leadless pacemaker, as the name suggests, does not have any electrodes as it can be implanted directly into the patient’s heart. It’s a relatively new technology and is a primary specialty of Dr. Vanita, the leading arrhythmia specialist in Delhi.

Let’s introduce you to its benefits in the next section.

Benefits of Leadless Pacemakers
The absence of electrodes in leadless pacemakers gives them several advantages over regular pacemakers, remarks Dr. Vanita.

Some of them are:

  • • No risk of lead fracture or dislodgment
  • • Better cosmetic appeal as there is no visible pacemaker pocket
  • • Elimination of hematoma, a condition when blood pools under the skin due to injury
  • • Smaller size; leadless pacemakers are remarkably 90% smaller compared to their transvenous counterparts.
  • • No chest incisions

Leadless pacemakers are recommended for pacing the ventricles, or the heart’s bottom chambers, informs the best pacemaker doctor in India.

Suffering From Arrhythmia?

Dr. Vanita is a leading arrhythmia specialist in Delhi. She is known for performing the leadless pacemaker implantation live at the 2016 TCT India conference. Dr. Vanita was the first in the Asia Pacific to do so.

Pacemaker implantation, leadless pacemaker, arrhythmias, AICD implantation, etc. are many of her specialties. If you have any concerns surrounding arrhythmia, reach out to Dr. Vanita by calling her number +91 98738 79994 or dropping her an email at Alternatively, fill this form.

OPD details

    Dr. Vanita Arora is Senior Consultant Cardiac Electrophysiologist & Interventional Cardiologist at Apollo Hospital, Delhi. She has been a successful Cardiologist in India for the last 28 years. She is a DNB Cardiology, MD - Medicine, M.B.B.S . You can visit her at Apollo Hospital, Delhi. To book an appointment online with Dr. Vanita Arora - the best cardiologist in India, please contact us.

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