Heart attacks rise in Young People: Take action now

Heart attacks rise in Young People: Take action now

dr vanita blog date December 25, 2022 | 2 minutes read time

Heart attacks rise in Young People: Take action now

In the recent past we have been hearing many high profile cases of young celebrities getting a heart attack. If we look around in the community each one of us has heard a case of cardiac arrest, heart complications amongst young people. In a recent article in economic times, Top Doctors in India have warned Indians have 2 – 3 times more chances of developing heart condition than western countries owing to genes and lifestyle. As per data published by NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) heart attacks have increased by mind boggling 53% in the last 5 years.

India is regarded as a nation for one of the best cardiologists in the world but still the increasing numbers are of grave concern. It is high time that as Indians we take appropriate measures of ourselves and our family to ensure no untoward incident happens in our own family. This blog is to not only raise awareness about heart attack complications and cases amongst young adults but also mentions key measures to avoid it.

Your risk of getting heart disease is influenced by a number of things. At least one of the

three most common risk factors for the condition is present in more than 50% of all Indians:

High cholesterol

Smoking: Although statistics in the past suggested that men smoke more than women, the gender gap in cigarette consumption has become closer over the years and today has become a major reason for developing cardiovascular complications.

High blood pressure: Stress, Hectic lifestyle, Junk food, Improper sleep are some of the major contributors to CAD amongst young Indians. Women who take birth control pills & smoke carry a very high risk of CAD.

Some of the other factors also include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Obesity
  • Family history of cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Heavy alcohol intake

Some top tips for maintaining healthy heart for healthy-life:

Exercise frequently: A regular exercise program can improve your heart health. Set a goal for at least 150 minutes of outdoor activity or more each week. Brisk 40 minute walk to cover 4 km is good enough for a healthy heart.

Keeping a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese raises your chance of developing heart disease. Follow a diet that is good for your heart: Home cooked meals are the best and the safest. Limit your intake of processed meals and sweets.

Managing stress: Growing evidence suggests that you should minimize the effects of stress on your heart health.

Getting a yearly check-up: Predicting heart attack can be challenging, particularly if you don’t have any symptoms. The best method to monitor risk factors is to have an annual

check-up by a heart specialist and take immediate measures before complications escalate.

Remember it is never too early or late to take preventive measures to keep your heart healthy. Consult a heart specialist today!

Dr. Vanita Arora is a pioneer in offering her patients top-notch medical care and is highly regarded as one of the best cardiologists in Delhi & NCR region. She has always promoted newer technological advancements in the area of cardiac electrophysiology so her patients get top-notch medical care and results.

To consult Dr Vanita for any queries regarding your heart health, please call +91 9873879994 or drop an email at doctorvanitaarora@gmail.com or fill the appointment form on the website.

OPD details

    Dr. Vanita Arora is Senior Consultant Cardiac Electrophysiologist & Interventional Cardiologist at Apollo Hospital, Delhi. She has been a successful Cardiologist in India for the last 28 years. She is a DNB Cardiology, MD - Medicine, M.B.B.S . You can visit her at Apollo Hospital, Delhi. To book an appointment online with Dr. Vanita Arora - the best cardiologist in India, please contact us.

  • Apollo Hospital, Mathura Road, New Delhi

  • Mon, Wed, Fri: 12 NOON - 3 PM
    Tues, Wed, Thurs: 4 PM to 6 PM

Unrestricted license to practice medicine anywhere in India. Registration No.15123 Delhi Medical Council, Delhi, lndia

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